Bánhegyi Mátyás - Nagy Judit
Solutions to overcome Korean students’ underperformance at oral presentation tasks: practical tips for Hungarian

In: Bocz, Zs. – Besznyák, R. (eds) (2020): Porta Lingua 2020. Szaknyelvoktatás és -kutatás nemzetközi kontextusban. Cikkek, tanulmányok a hazai szaknyelvoktatásról. SZOKOE: Budapest. 19-28

DOI: https://doi.org/10.48040/PL.2020.2

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Delivering oral presentations is a requirement in all academic programmes including studies in foreign educational contexts. Concerning American tertiary settings, Korean scholars identified numerous factors impacting the quality of Korean students’ oral presentations. Based on the results of a previous qualitative case study conducted in Hungary, this paper identifies nine problematic areas in which Korean students experience difficulties in Hungarian tertiary settings. Four out of these nine areas have been selected for discussion in the present paper. Based on a practice-oriented literature review, this study outlines solutions, and also describes the authors’ recommendations, to effectively combat these problems. The authors’ concepts are made complete by the inclusion of author-designed worksheets and explanations concerning their use. It is envisaged that these proposed solutions and their discussion will contribute to developing Korean students’ oral presentation skills in Hungarian tertiary-level educational contexts and will also benefit educators preparing other students for oral presentations.

Keywords: case study, in-class worksheets, oral presentation, Korean students, typical mistakes